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- darkNESs v0.24
- A NES emulator for the Amiga
- (C)1997-98 Mark Van Hal
- Introduction :
- darkNESs is a Nintendo Entertainment System emulator for the Amiga.
- To use it you will need any Amiga with a 68020+ and OS 2.0+, you will also
- need ROM image files for the games that you wish to play. These files must
- be in .NES format as is used by iNES, NESticle, and other NES emulators on
- the PC and Amiga. Starting with version 0.20 darkNESs is written in 100% asm,
- and is much faster then previous versions. Although darkNESs is not the
- fastest NES emulator for the Amiga, it is the most compatible, and is the
- only one that handles NES games that use bank switching during the display and
- properly updates the display with games that don't use VROM. It is also the
- only NES emulator that works properly with ECS/OCS and Gfx cards.
- Using darkNESs :
- To use the GUI :
- From WorkBench : Double click on the darkNESs icon.
- From the CLI type : darkNESs with no options.
- The GUI is simple enough that not much of an explanation is required.
- Options that are disabled are either not yet implimented or are unavailable
- at the current time, these will become enabled when it is appropreate.
- (for example the Start gadget is disabled until a valid .NES file is loaded)
- The Screen Mode gadget requires version 39 or better of the asl.library.
- When you Quit from the GUI, the settings are stored in the darkNESs.prefs
- file in the same directory as the program.
- Version 0.20 of darkNESs added a line based screen refresh mode to the
- tile based mode in earlier versions. This mode works best with games
- that make changes to the display on every line (like F1-Race) but is
- about 10% slower then the tile based mode. It is best to experiment to
- see which mode works best for each game (and you can change the mode during
- the emulation by pressing F3)
- Also new in version 0.20 is Double Buffering, which eliminates screen flicker.
- Screen updates are also faster with Double Buffering on.
- Note : In version 0.24 Double Buffering now works with any screenmode on
- the native Amiga display (no Gfx cards) that supports at least 32 colours.
- If you turn Double Buffering off darkNESs will work on Gfx cards.
- If you don't want to use the GUI then,
- from the CLI type : darkNESs file.nes [-(P|O)] [-F] [-D]
- Replace file.nes with the name of the .nes format ROM image file. If the
- cartridge uses battery backed memory, then a file with the same name but
- with an extension of .SAV instead of .NES will be created the first time
- that you use it, and will be used to save the contents of the battery
- backed RAM.
- The -P or -O options are only of use to NTSC users. Since the NES has a
- resolution of 256 x 224, and a standard NTSC LORES screen is 320 x 200,
- 24 lines of the NES screen would not normally be visible on the screen.
- So, by using the -P option, you can run darkNESs in a PAL LORES screen which
- has a resolution of 320 x 256, or you can use the -O option which will use
- an NTSC LORES screen with overscan to allow you to display the full NES
- screen. Note : If you use the -P option, make sure that the PAL monitor
- driver is in Devs:Monitors.
- The -F option tells the emulator to set the initial frame-skip to 3 (draw
- every third frame). This speeds things up a bit, but some games don't look
- as good when doing this. The frame-skip can be adjusted with + and - while the
- emulator is running.
- The -D option turns double buffering on.
- darkNESs uses the settings from the darkNESs.prefs file unless the
- command line options are specified.
- Controls :
- Once the emulation is running, you can use the following controls :
- Cursor Keys - Joypad
- LShift or A - Button A
- LAlt or Z - Button B
- Return or ] - Start
- RShift or [ - Select
- F1 - Select Controller 1
- F2 - Select Controller 2
- F3 - Toggle between Tile and Line Refresh Methods
- F4 - Toggle IRQ interrupts ON/OFF (Mapper 4 only)
- F5 - Toggle scroll fix ON/OFF
- + - Increase Frame-skip Value
- - - Decrease Frame-skip Value
- F10 - Reset (you may have to press F10 twice to reset)
- Ctrl - Toggle Mirroring (Horizontal/Vertical)
- Esc - Exit
- Problems :
- Unable to open Screen - Not enough chip memory or the default screenmode
- in your darkNESs.prefs file is not available or you have selected double
- buffering and the selected screenmode is not an NTSC or PAL one. If using
- the command line options, if you are using the -P option and the PAL monitor
- driver is not loaded you will get this message.
- Not Enough Memory to Load File - There is not enough memory to load the
- ROM image.
- File Not Found error message - The ROM image file you specified cannot be
- found.
- Bad .NES File - The ROM image that you specified is not a valid .NES file.
- Unsupported Mapper Type - The ROM image that was loaded uses a MMC
- (memory mapper) that is not supported by darkNESs. Currently darkNESs
- supports the following MMC's :
- 0,2,3 - 100% working
- 1 - 95% working
- 4 - 90% working
- 7 - 100% working
- 9 - works, but not yet perfect
- 11 - 80% working
- 16 - not tested
- No other MMC's are currently supported.
- Graphics appear wrong - With ROM images with MMC types 0,2,3 the type of
- mirroring that the games uses is stored in the .NES header. If this is
- set incorrectly, the graphics may appear wrong. Press Ctrl to change the
- type of mirroring, and press F10 to reset the game. If this does not fix
- the problem, then it may be that the game is not compatible with darkNESs.
- With some games the graphics may be fixed by turning on the scroll fix
- (press F5) this may solve the problem, or it may do nothing, or it may
- make it worse...
- Note : MMC types 1 and 4 automatically set the mirroring to whatever the
- game needs, so do not use Ctrl to try to fix these games as it will not
- work.
- Sprites don't appear - This should not happen anymore, but some games
- still may have problems with sprites. I only know of one, and it is
- caused by timing problems that I am working on fixing.
- Game doesn't work, or doesn't work correctly - darkNESs v0.24 is still an
- early version, and many games still do not work (most of these are due
- to unsupported MMC's), and some games do not work correctly (these are
- often caused by timing problems or by games using parts of the NES hardware
- that are not yet implimented (or not implemented correctly). I am working
- on making darkNESs as compatible as possible, but it will take time, so
- if a game doesn't work, wait until the next version comes out, and try it
- again.
- Support darkNESs :
- I have decided to make darkNESs giftware. This means that if you use
- darkNESs and like it (or even if you use it and don't like it) that
- you should send me a gift. You are under no obligation to send me anything,
- but the more gifts that I recieve, the more incentive I will have to work
- on new versions, and the less incentive I will have to make darkNESs
- shareware (as the other NES emulators for the Amiga are).
- Some suggested gifts are :
- Money (Canadian or U.S. dollars only) - Money is always good...
- Software/Hardware - If you have any old Amiga software or hardware
- that you no longer use,send it to me.
- Registered Shareware - If you are the author of any Shareware for
- the Amiga, send me a registered copy.
- PD/Freeware - If you have written any good PD or Freeware programs
- send me a copy on disk.
- Postcard - A cheap and easy gift.
- E-Mail - If a postcard is out of your price range, then send me
- an E-Mail message.
- My address is :
- Mark Van Hal
- 80 Delroy Dr.
- Etobicoke, Ont.
- Canada
- M8Y-1N2
- My e-mail address is :
- e0fkgkfo@mail.erin.utoronto.ca
- NOTE : My ISP went out of business, so my old e-mail address
- (mongo@octonline.com) is no longer valid, also the darkNESs homepage
- no longer exists (a new one will be up at a new address shortly).
- The Future :
- I plan on fixing bugs and adding new features to make darkNESs the best
- NES emulator available for any computer.
- Note : If anyone has any technical documentation on the NES (other than
- the ones by Marat Fayzullin and Y0SHI) please contact me by E-Mail.
- Note : Do NOT send me E-Mail asking for ROM images or complaining that
- a game doesn't work, you will not get any ROM images from me, and I know
- about most games that don't work. Also don't send me e-mail asking me to
- send you the latest version of darkNESs, the latest version is always
- available on AmiNet.
- Credits :
- Marat Fayzullin - For the NES documentation and the 6502 emulation that
- was used in versions before 0.20
- Without which darkNESs would have taken much longer to develope.
- Paul Robson - For releasing the source to NESA, his NES emulator for the PC,
- from which I borrowed (stole) the palette.
- Craig Howard - For creating the icon for darkNESs.
- Y0SHI - For his NESTECH.DOC which is a great source of info on the NES.
- Mark Knibbs - For providing me with lots of useful bug reports and
- suggestions.
- ...and several other people that have names that I can't remember.
- "Yet when I hoped for good, evil came; when I looked for light, then
- came darkNESs." - JOB 30:26